Sunday, March 22, 2009

Recruiting Blind

In some instances we get put into a situation where we have to work off a JD, without a conversation or a meeting with the line / hiring manager. I have seen it happen with our team at 920. There are many reasons why a lot of the times it certainly makes the task at hand even harder:

- It is great to hear it from 'the horses mouth' why this is such a great role
- We can talk to people about the type of person they will be reporting too - this may persuade or dissuade individuals (either way it helps)
- A JD doesn't necessary tell you the top three 'absolute must have's'
- A JD doesn't talk about the the key projects that lay ahead for the person and what benefits being involved will have for them

From a line / hiring managers point of view a 15 / 20 minute investment is certainly going to assist as if not you may receive profiles which for whatever reason doesn't match your needs. My advice - make the small investment and save yourself some time and pain in the future.

1 comment:

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